Call or Whatsapp Baba Ishivu at +254 735 975437
Email: info@ lovespells1 .com
Paper During spells you will often need to write your wishes or aims down and it is good to have some paper ready prepared. Parchment type is best, but heavier good quality is perfectly acceptable. You consecrate it by holding it for a short period in the smoke from your favourite incense. Pen and Ink Traditionally, quill pens are supposed to be used for writing spells and incantations, but if you can’t find a quill then use the best pen you can afford. Try to keep it especially for magical work and consecrate it by passing it carefully over the top of a candle or through incense. Also buy a good-quality ink and, if not already formulated for magical purposes, consecrate that in the same way. Neither pen nor ink should be used for other purposes.