Spiritual Healing testimony
When the world speaks about voodoo and spiritual healing testimony the first that comes to there mind is sacrifice! but Baba Ishivu being a great spiritual healer understands that the spirits that seek seek human blood to be able to grant you what you seek.
spiritual healing testimony in uganda has been witnessed by not just the people who seek my guidance and help but also the goverment which is working with me and other NGOs to fight human sacrifuice in the regions and it has been attached to voodoo.
Child sacrifice has emerged as a horrifying form of child abuse in Uganda. In the past decade, sacrifice of children in Uganda has been cited by the media, police and Government of Uganda as a major child protection concern. Police records continue to highlight numerous cases of child sacrifice in the country. The media in Uganda is also awash with stories of gruesome murders on young, innocent children committed for various reasons.
A study carried out by Uganda Child Rights NGO Network (UCRNN) with support from Children on the Edge, showed how the practice is rooted in a number of socio-economic and cultural factors as well as traditional beliefs that the ritual murder or mutilation of children can bring health, wealth and good fortune. Children are more likely to fall victims to sacrifice compared to adults, because they are more easily lured and believed to be “pure”. Adults drawn to the practice are tricked into believing that the purity of child makes the ritual more powerful.
this is some have been against and advocating to fight against so that the right people actually practice voodoo in the right way by the right people.
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