Love Magic is very strong. It is because love between people can produce strong emotions and energies.
Be aware, that when you practice magic, you have to take responsibility for what you want and what you do. Be aware, that what you wish to others will come back to you, even stronger than what you have sent before. In lovemagic, only positive action will attain positive outcome! Trying to manipulate will of the desired person is the most frequent mistake people make and cannot bring positive results. Therefore, we recommend you to ask yourself before you decide to use magic:.
“Why do I want that partner? How deep is my love? Is it real loveor just physical attraction?” Lovegives the partner freedom, thinks about his/her wellbeing and happiness and doesn’t need to change him/her. Magic is a useful tool and a good choice in case you are willing to bring sacrifice to the altar of love.If you bring your own transformation there, you become a better person, improve your character, understanding and communication, then magic is a good choice and it will bring more happiness, balance and satisfaction to you and also to your partner.
Do you have problems with your partner?
Fights, misunderstandings or lack of harmony? Is everything breaking down? Many times, one can fix these problems with the help of someone who knows how to handle such situations. We can help you to get your relationship back on track!
The best time to do this spell (and generally all lovemagic spells)is Friday. It is the day of Venus, Goddess of Love.Her colour is green, so this is the best colour to use. Many people unconsciously connect loveto red colour. For this reason, you should use the colour, which represents loveto you.
For the ritual you need a long silk string. As we wrote before, it could have green or red colour. Which one you choose, depends on how you feel it. The string should be nice, new and clean, because it represents your desire. Don’t use something you found in a wardrobe! Better buy a new one.
Focus properly on what you want. Calm down in meditation and then visualize your desire. The visualization should be in a positive way, how happy would be your relationship, how happily you live with the partner. Thoughts of sadness or desperate thoughts cannot intrude! Such state of mind and attitude will destroy all of your effort and your ritual won’t work. Negative thoughts and fear can even amplify, what you don’t want!
“In the name of Erzulia, Maria Magdalena, Shiva and Venus, deities of love,I am binding the loveof my dreams to me. I live with [mention your lover] in love,understanding and harmony. I thank the God’s lovefor accomplishment and power. I am a good partner to [mention your partner]. So it is, so it is happening!”.
This has to be repeated 6 more times! Then burn the string together with sandal-wood in a fireproof pot. After the burning, when the ash is cool, bury it in a park or a forest, somewhere under a nice and strong tree.
If you desire someones love,follow these lovespell instructions:.
1. Cast the spellduring a waxing moon, preferably on Friday. Friday is dedicated to Venus, the Goddess of love,and the waxing moon favours attraction. In addition, the gods of loveare called during the ritual: Venus, Erzulie, Maria Magdalena, Shiva…. You can further support the spellby scattering orange flowers or honey on the altar, which in many cultures represent the wedding. Other tools can be designed and incorporated into the ritual using your imagination: tarot card for Love,Rune Partnership, red or green candle, sandal wood etc.
2. Mold two puppets out of clay or sew them from white cloth- one of yourself and one of the lovedone. Equip them with the characteristic features of the gender and fill them with some hair or fingernails when possible. More energy you dedicate to this, stronger it will be.
3. Tie the puppets carefully (with lovingcare) together with a piece of rope or even better with a red or green sideband (choose the colour which represents for you the love).This symbolises unification of two people, or, the sexual act. Then, visualise strongly your relationship based on loveand harmony.
4. After completing the ritual, wrap the dolls in a pink silk scarf as soon as possible and kept in a safe place. The ritual can be repeated (if necessary) several times. If the magic has been done in good faith and you promise Goddess to make your partner happy and satisfied, it should not take long to see the results.
Lovespells to bring partners together.
Today’s lovemagic and lovespellsuse also modern methods, which wasn’t possible in the past. For example, lovemagic can use for getting partners back together their photographs. During the magic ritual, one can take photos of two people who should belong together and stick them to each other with honey. Faces on those photos should look towards each other. Then, one should put those photos under a red or green candle, and visualise strongly, that these two people are back together in loveand harmony. Beware, one should feel only positive things, like being grateful for this to happen or happiness and excitement. Doubts, worries and fear, that it won’t come true, spoil the lovespelland nothing will happen!
Personal things of your desired partner (for example things that he/she wore or used before), are always useful for magic of love.During the loveritual preparations, follow your inner feelings: use your favourite perfume, buy roses or other flowers, which symbolise loveto you, think positively about your love.Think about what you would and should do so that your lovelasts forever. We recommend you to get inspiration in this books: Don Miguel Ruiz: The Mastery of loveand Gary Chapman: The 5 lovelanguages.
Partner reunion.
Don’t recon just on your own power of imagination. Call somebody who has already passed away and who were with you in a good relationship during his/her lifetime. Promise him/her that you will take care of his/her grave, and you will pray for her/him. It is essential to fulfil these promises!
In order to strengthen the ritual, we also recommend to invite a LoveGod or a LoveGoddess. Call just the powers you like, feel some attraction to them. It can be Erzulie, Venus, Maria Magdalena or archangel Uriel. Follow your instincts. Never forget to place some offering on your altar. After the ritual, bury the offering into the ground. Every deity has its favourite offerings, so it is important to get familiar with them before the ritual. It is not important, if you choose Jesus or Buddha, important is to know who s/he was, what s/he had done, why you have chosen him/her and what s/he likes. Offering must be of top quality and taste.
Binding together.
Magical practice of lovespellsand experience from reuniting of partners show us that best results come from binding and knotting together personal things, photos and/or writings. If we want to bind two people, we bind together things, photos and offerings, which represent both of them.
Later, after the ritual, the things are buried under the strong and heathy tree, as a symbol of growth, beginning and fertility. On the other side, if we want to get rid of something/somebody, we would throw things into flowing water. If we know somebody who has passed away and we like each other before, we could bury things nearby his/her grave. We shouldn’t forget that our behaviour and understanding towards others have also great impact! That means rituals are not enough for happy relationship. If we want change in our relationship, we have to change something within us!We recommend this book: John Gray: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
Lovemagic, bringing partners together.
Cook and bake for those you love!Lovereally “goes through the stomach”. Preparing and sharing food make people closer! If you cook something for your beloved, you give him/her good feeling and you open the door for communication. You can even increase this feeling by using the right mixtures of spices. Use those that stimulate desires and have ability to “heat”. Ideal ingredient, which puts back the passion and heat to the cooled relationship, is a chilli pepper.
In general, sweet meals are better. But you should always prefer the taste of the person whom the meal is prepared for! Take enough time for preparation and if you don’t cook well, take some cooking classes! Your effort won’t go unrewarded! You can also put one drop of your blood into your meal and you can say some magical formula mentioned above.
Love magic spell with fruits.
Love Spells frequently use for increasing the power of attraction or calling the partner of dreams apples and oranges. They are used as offering for deities and spirits but also as a gift for lovers. Before you give apple or orange as a gift, charge it with your energy and intentions. Hold the fruit it in both hands and visualise, how your love and your attraction flows inside the fruit! Visualise with your full attention, how happiness and harmony flows between you and the partner and how s/he lovesyou more and more. If your intention is pure and focus strong, the effect will come soon! As a lovefruit, you can use also cherries or strawberries. If your partner doesn’t like any from above mentioned fruit, use for this spell dark chocolate.