Voodoo symptoms that you didn’t know from Baba Ishivu.
Alot of times no one will tell you that you are under someone’s spell because everyone is out there minding their business. just so you know that symptoms of voodoo can be seen in so many many ways. depending on the voodoo spell cast on you. you will be able to notice a couple of voodoo symptoms and the good thing that can happen is that when you contact me i will be able to determine for you which kind of spell or voodoo is on your spirit. not only determine but also cleanse you from any spell thats upon you.
List of some of the voodoo Symptoms
1. Random accidents, such as tripping, falling, car accidents, bike accidents among others
2. Electronics break down, stop working or malfunction.
3. Relationship with lovers, friends and family goes bad or ends.
4. Health problems out of no where.
5. Things go missing or disappear.
6. Issues with your memory (begin to forget things)
7. Headaches and anxiety
8. Failing on tests
9. Car trouble such as nails in your tires.
At tthe time when you are able to see some of these symptoms.
As a spiritual/ traditional healer I always advise my clients to contact me as a soon as possible.
Some of the voodoo symptoms that’s have shown you in the above as you can read can lead to danger into your life.
Black magic, white magic, voodoo and all supernatural powers are good
Even when it’s meant to be good some people can also use for bad and this brings about all those symptoms above.
Cleanse or unhex so that you can be free and seek your clean path to happiness that is away from the bad wishes.