About 5 years ago I met a man who was unlike anyone I have ever met. For the first time in my life I fell deeply and passionately in love and felt like every day for the first 3 years was a living fairytale. I was positive that he was my soul mate and we promised each other that marriage and family was coming next. I consider myself attractive and in decent shape, he on the other hand was a complete stunner.
Tall, very fit and with model looks and style. I never felt insecure about him losing interest in me because every day we spent together was so beautiful and happy and he was laser focused on me and me alone. Even when prettier, younger women tried to distract him from me he never broke, and stayed loyal. I felt that I found the one. Not just on a physical level, but on a emotional and yes even spiritual one.
Then by the third year everything suddenly changed. He became distant, less engaged, never called and only texted which he knew I hated. His passion for me seemed to disappear overnight. I approached him from every angle that seemed rational, read books on relationships, and even considered hiring a private detective to follow him.
All of my close friends seemed secretly pleased that my perfect man was now acting like a suspicious man. Many naturally assumed there was another woman. I have been cheated on in the past and faced heartbreak but it was nothing like this. After 6 weeks of this he eventually ended it and cut me off with no official explanation.
I called everyday, emailed, and text and got short unemotional responses that felt like daggers sliding deeper into my heart. Was this all a game to him? Did I imagine the love and respect I thought we had for 3 years? How could I been fooled so easily? I had to know and I decided to take a wild step that was out of the usual pattern for someone like me. I found a psychic online and called for a live reading.
When I called Baba Ishivu I instantly felt at ease because without me giving him any background on my crisis he instantly zeroed in on my pain and read me and my ex like a book. She then told me the most important piece of information I needed to hear to explain the reason for this sudden disruption in my relationship.
Sat speechless and silently teared up as she told me that the reason for my boyfriends sudden change was not because of another woman or lack of interest in me, but that he was a serious drug addict who has relapsed and was too ashamed to admit it to me or anyone who was close to him. I did not believe it was possible, I felt that the reading was going flawlessly until then and hung up angry and bitter for her even suggesting something like drugs.
I knew him, and spent every moment with him, and it just didn’t seem possible that it could be true. A few week later I told a mutual friend who happened to be a cop about the call, she offered to look up his name and check if he was ever in the system. I shook the idea off and silly and told her not to bother, but she did it anyway. Of course when my friend contacted me days later she showed me his arrest records and he had 3 priors for drug possessions!
Baba Ishivu know when no one else had a clue? With the knowledge that I now had I tried to intervene and offer support. He continued to block me from his life and wouldn’t accept any offer of help I gave.
I called Baba Ishivu back and told him the information I learned as asked if there was anything he could offer to change things for the best. She suggested a custom powerful love spell that is crafted just for my situation.
I still had some doubts but released them and used all my energy to think positively for the outcome I was hoping for. I wanted him to open up, talk to me, and trust me without being ashamed or embarrassed. More importantly I wanted our relationship back and stronger than ever. I let go of all my fears and trusted in the spell-casting I requested and stayed focused on the end result of my desires.
Within 2 weeks my ex-boyfriend started reaching out to me slowly, agreeing to meet with me for small talks over coffee and walks in the park. This alone was enough for me to see that something in that love spell was working. Within a few more weeks of our chats, and meet-ups he was ready for rehab and back into my arms just like before.
I believe that Baba Ishivu’s love spell was the catalyst that triggered all the positive events that lead to the love of my life and I to connect and grow stronger than ever. My faith and obedience of his instructions was also what made it effective and quick. I don’t think that just anyone who claims they have this power actually does, but every now and then the universe provides the perfect intuitive reader that is tailor made for your situation.